Module: GLib::MarkupParseFlags

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse


flag you should not use

1 or :do_not_use_this_unsupported_flag

When this flag is set, CDATA marked

sections are not passed literally to the <b>passthrough</b> function of
the parser. Instead, the content of the section (without the
`<![CDATA[` and `]]>`) is
passed to the <b>text</b> function. This flag was added in GLib 2.12
2 or :treat_cdata_as_text

Normally errors caught by GMarkup

itself have line/column information prefixed to them to let the
caller know the location of the error. When this flag is set the
location information is also prefixed to errors generated by the
GMarkup::Parser implementation functions
4 or :prefix_error_position

Ignore (don’t report) qualified

attributes and tags, along with their contents.  A qualified
attribute or tag is one that contains ':' in its name (ie: is in
another namespace).  Since: 2.40.
8 or :ignore_qualified