Module: GLib::OptionArg

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse


No extra argument. This is useful for simple flags.

0 or :none

The option takes a UTF-8 string argument.

1 or :string

The option takes an integer argument.

2 or :int

The option provides a callback (of type

GOption::ArgFunc) to parse the extra argument.
3 or :callback

The option takes a filename as argument, which will

be in the GLib filename encoding rather than UTF-8.
4 or :filename

The option takes a string argument, multiple

uses of the option are collected into an array of strings.
5 or :string_array

The option takes a filename as argument,

multiple uses of the option are collected into an array of strings.
6 or :filename_array

The option takes a double argument. The argument

can be formatted either for the user's locale or for the "C" locale.
Since 2.12
7 or :double
INT64 =

The option takes a 64-bit integer. Like

%G_OPTION_ARG_INT but for larger numbers. The number can be in
decimal base, or in hexadecimal (when prefixed with `0x`, for
example, `0xffffffff`). Since 2.12
8 or :int64