Module: Gio::DBusProxyFlags

Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse


No flags set.

0 or :none

Don’t load properties.

1 or :do_not_load_properties

Don’t connect to signals on the remote object.

2 or :do_not_connect_signals

If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization or a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names.

4 or :do_not_auto_start

If set, the property value for any __invalidated property__ will be (asynchronously) retrieved upon receiving the [‘PropertiesChanged`]( D-Bus signal and the property will not cause emission of the GDBus::Proxy::g-properties-changed signal. When the value is received the #GDBusProxy::g-properties-changed signal is emitted for the property along with the retrieved value. Since 2.32.

8 or :get_invalidated_properties

If the proxy is for a well-known name, do not ask the bus to launch an owner during proxy initialization, but allow it to be autostarted by a method call. This flag is only meaningful in proxies for well-known names, and only if %G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START is not also specified.

16 or :do_not_auto_start_at_construction