Class: Gio::Notification

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#GNotification is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown to the user – typically as a pop-up notification presented by the desktop environment shell.

The key difference between #GNotification and other similar APIs is that, if supported by the desktop environment, notifications sent with #GNotification will persist after the application has exited, and even across system reboots.

Since the user may click on a notification while the application is not running, applications using #GNotification should be able to be started as a D-Bus service, using #GApplication.

User interaction with a notification (either the default action, or buttons) must be associated with actions on the application (ie: “app.” actions). It is not possible to route user interaction through the notification itself, because the object will not exist if the application is autostarted as a result of a notification being clicked.

A notification can be sent with g_application_send_notification().

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#add_button(label, detailed_action) ⇒ nil

Adds a button to notification that activates the action in detailed_action when clicked. That action must be an application-wide action (starting with “app.”). If detailed_action contains a target, the action will be activated with that target as its parameter.

See g_action_parse_detailed_name() for a description of the format for detailed_action.


  • label (String)

    label of the button

  • detailed_action (String)

    a detailed action name


  • (nil)

#add_button_with_target(label, action, target_format, array) ⇒ nil

Adds a button to notification that activates action when clicked. action must be an application-wide action (it must start with “app.”).

If target_format is given, it is used to collect remaining positional parameters into a #GVariant instance, similar to g_variant_new(). action will be activated with that #GVariant as its parameter.


  • label (String)

    label of the button

  • action (String)

    an action name

  • target_format (String)

    a #GVariant format string, or nil

  • array (Array)

    positional parameters, as determined by target_format


  • (nil)

#add_button_with_target_value(label, action, target) ⇒ nil

Adds a button to notification that activates action when clicked. action must be an application-wide action (it must start with “app.”).

If target is non-nil, action will be activated with target as its parameter.


  • label (String)

    label of the button

  • action (String)

    an action name

  • target (GLib::Variant)

    a #GVariant to use as action’s parameter, or nil


  • (nil)

#body=(body) ⇒ nil

Sets the body of notification to body.


  • body (String)

    the new body for notification, or nil


  • (nil)

#default_action=(detailed_action) ⇒ nil

Sets the default action of notification to detailed_action. This action is activated when the notification is clicked on.

The action in detailed_action must be an application-wide action (it must start with “app.”). If detailed_action contains a target, the given action will be activated with that target as its parameter. See g_action_parse_detailed_name() for a description of the format for detailed_action.

When no default action is set, the application that the notification was sent on is activated.


  • detailed_action (String)

    a detailed action name


  • (nil)

#icon=(icon) ⇒ nil

Sets the icon of notification to icon.


  • icon (Gio::Icon)

    the icon to be shown in notification, as a #GIcon


  • (nil)

#new(title) ⇒ Gio::Notification

Creates a new #GNotification with title as its title.

After populating notification with more details, it can be sent to the desktop shell with g_application_send_notification(). Changing any properties after this call will not have any effect until resending notification.


  • title (String)

    the title of the notification


#priority=(priority) ⇒ nil

Sets the priority of notification to priority. See GNotification::Priority for possible values.



  • (nil)

#set_default_action_and_target(action, target_format, array) ⇒ nil

Sets the default action of notification to action. This action is activated when the notification is clicked on. It must be an application-wide action (it must start with “app.”).

If target_format is given, it is used to collect remaining positional parameters into a #GVariant instance, similar to g_variant_new(). action will be activated with that #GVariant as its parameter.

When no default action is set, the application that the notification was sent on is activated.


  • action (String)

    an action name

  • target_format (String)

    a #GVariant format string, or nil

  • array (Array)

    positional parameters, as determined by target_format


  • (nil)

#set_default_action_and_target_value(action, target) ⇒ nil

Sets the default action of notification to action. This action is activated when the notification is clicked on. It must be an application-wide action (start with “app.”).

If target is non-nil, action will be activated with target as its parameter.

When no default action is set, the application that the notification was sent on is activated.


  • action (String)

    an action name

  • target (GLib::Variant)

    a #GVariant to use as action’s parameter, or nil


  • (nil)

#title=(title) ⇒ nil

Sets the title of notification to title.


  • title (String)

    the new title for notification


  • (nil)

#urgent=(urgent) ⇒ nil

Deprecated in favor of g_notification_set_priority().


  • urgent (TrueClass)

    true if notification is urgent


  • (nil)