Class: Gtk::GestureMultiPress

  • Object
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Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#area=(rect) ⇒ nil

If rect is non-nil, the press area will be checked to be confined within the rectangle, otherwise the button count will be reset so the press is seen as being the first one. If rect is nil, the area will be reset to an unrestricted state.

Note: The rectangle is only used to determine whether any non-first click falls within the expected area. This is not akin to an input shape.


  • rect (Gdk::Rectangle)

    rectangle to receive coordinates on


  • (nil)

#get_area(rect) ⇒ TrueClass

If an area was set through gtk_gesture_multi_press_set_area(), this function will return true and fill in rect with the press area. See gtk_gesture_multi_press_set_area() for more details on what the press area represents.


  • rect (Gdk::Rectangle)

    return location for the press area


  • (TrueClass)

    true if rect was filled with the press area

#new(widget) ⇒ Gtk::Gesture

Returns a newly created Gtk::Gesture that recognizes single and multiple presses.

