Class: Gtk::Overlay

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Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#add_overlay(widget) ⇒ nil

Adds widget to overlay.

The widget will be stacked on top of the main widget added with gtk_container_add().

The position at which widget is placed is determined from its Gtk::Widget:halign and #GtkWidget:valign properties.


  • widget (Gtk::Widget)

    a Gtk::Widget to be added to the container


  • (nil)

#get_overlay_pass_through(widget) ⇒ TrueClass

Convenience function to get the value of the Gtk::Overlay:pass-through child property for widget.


  • widget (Gtk::Widget)

    an overlay child of Gtk::Overlay


  • (TrueClass)

    whether the widget is a pass through child.


Creates a new Gtk::Overlay.


#reorder_overlay(child, index_) ⇒ nil

Moves child to a new index in the list of overlay children. The list contains overlays in the order that these were added to overlay by default. See also Gtk::Overlay:index.

A widget’s index in the overlay children list determines which order the children are drawn if they overlap. The first child is drawn at the bottom. It also affects the default focus chain order.


  • child (Gtk::Widget)

    the overlaid Gtk::Widget to move

  • index_ (Integer)

    the new index for child in the list of overlay children of overlay, starting from 0. If negative, indicates the end of the list


  • (nil)

#set_overlay_pass_through(widget, pass_through) ⇒ nil

Convenience function to set the value of the Gtk::Overlay:pass-through child property for widget.


  • widget (Gtk::Widget)

    an overlay child of Gtk::Overlay

  • pass_through (TrueClass)

    whether the child should pass the input through


  • (nil)